Chronic Back Pain
Did you know that around 25% of people in the United States report having back pain at some point in the last three months? If you’re experiencing this kind of pain, you’re definitely not alone. If nothing is done to prevent or improve back pain, it can easily become chronic. This severely impacts your ability to perform the daily tasks that are often essential to your routine. If you’re experiencing back pain, it’s time to take action to improve your quality of life.
How can a Physical Therapist help my back pain?
Our Physical Therapists see this ailment regularly, giving them extra experience and insight to guide you to recovery. Your Physical Therapist can also diagnose where this pain is coming from and determine why you’re experiencing it. You’ll likely be given some strengthening and stretching exercises. Often, these will focus on your core and muscles that attach to your spine or pelvis. As you properly stretch and strengthen these muscles, your back pain will usually start to subside. Keep in mind that back pain isn’t always caused by the same thing and your treatment will be individually tailored to target your type of back pain to best fit your needs.
If you’re experiencing back pain, spending too much time at rest can actually hurt your recovery. While it may make sense to rest your back, it can actually hurt more than help. Your Physical Therapist will be able to tell you if this is the best plan for you. In that case, make an effort to keep up with your daily activities which will lessen the stiffness you feel from your back pain. Things that may be hard for you now, can be easy to overcome when you work with a Physical Therapist.
It’s time to stop living with constant back pain, contact Registered Physical Therapists in Utah and schedule your appointment today! We want you to live the way you want to and get rid of chronic back pain.