In the current environment with concerns around the increased impact of the Coronavirus – COVID-19, we would like to assure you that the health and safety of our patients and clinical staff has been, and will continue to be, of paramount importance at RPT. We are doing our best to balance safety and providing needed care to our patients to allow for optimal outcomes as well.
RPT is following the updates and guidelines suggested by the CDC, Health Department and other appropriate agencies and will continue to follow any other health and safety precautions as they evolve.
Please be aware of the following precautions our team is taking to ensure a safe environment when receiving care in our clinics:
Screening employees and patients who come to our clinics. If they have fever, cough/sneezing or respiratory issues, these individuals are being asked to go home immediately and contact their physician. They are not permitted to enter the clinic. They may not return to work or to the clinic as a patient until their symptoms have cleared for at least 72 hours and without the aid of medication such as fever-reducers, cough suppression meds, etc as per CDC guidelines.
All patients and employees are required to wash their hands and/or sanitize hands as per CDC recommendations – a minimum of 20 seconds. All equipment is cleaned frequently and common touch points such as waiting room chairs, doorknobs, counters, etc are cleaned frequently as well.
We have repositioned tables and equipment throughout the clinics to provide recommended distance and high concentrations of people in our clinics as we strive to comply with recommended maximum group sizes.
Again, to comply with recommended maximum group sizes. Fortunately, most of our clinics are of sufficient size to allow for appropriate groups/spacing.
Patients who are over 60 and at risk patients (immunocompromised, asthma, or other conditions that make them susceptible to COVID) are able to be seen and treated in a clean,”isolated” treatment room with minimal interaction with other staff and patients.
Our team will continue to closely monitor information updated by public health officials and follow guidelines to ensure we are doing everything we can to continue to provide a clean and safe environment for all of our valued patients and employees. RPT will do everything we can do to help our patients, staff and community be safe and healthy.