Happy New Year! What do your New Year’s resolutions look like for 2019? If you’re one of the many who have made a goal to live life with less pain, we’re here to encourage you to choose physical therapy! Physical therapy can get you on the path to functioning better and to a higher quality of life while helping you reach some important goals. Physical therapy can help with pain relief, but it also has numerous other benefits. We’re sharing some ways physical therapy can help you reach your 2019 New Year’s resolutions!
- Correct running gait and get into better shape. If you’ve made a goal to run a marathon, half-marathon, 5K, or even just around the block, physical therapy can help you reach that goal. Our Physical Therapists can perform a gait analysis for you, which will help correct any gait issues you may have and promote positive running form. This will also help to prevent some common overuse injuries from running with the wrong form and gait.
- Live with less pain. If you currently use opioids or painkillers to manage your pain, you understand that this simply masks your symptoms. You’re still left with the underlying issue which keeps causing you pain. When you choose physical therapy, we can help diagnose the underlying issue and treat you for this. This is a proactive way of managing the pain, instead of simply masking the pain.
- Increase mobility and flexibility. Physical therapy can help to increase both mobility and flexibility, lowering your risk of injuries and allowing you to live an active life.
Sylvia chose physical therapy in 2018, and this is what she had to say about her experience here at RPT.
“This was an awesome experience. Very professional Physical Therapist and staff. If I could give any advice to anyone who needs therapy, you have the best right here – in RPT in Sandy. Thanks so much for all you have done for me!!”
Choose physical therapy in 2019, we’ll help you reach your goals and get back to living an active life!