If you’ve been experiencing pain that radiates from the lower part of your spine through the back of your thigh or calf, you could be experiencing sciatica. Sciatica is pain caused by a pinching of your sciatic nerve. Sciatica can manifest in a wide variety of symptoms. Here are some symptoms to watch for that could indicate this:
- Numbness or tingling in the affected leg
- Muscle weakness
- Prolonged sitting that aggravates pain
- Worsening pain when coughing or sneezing
- Mild to sharp pain in one leg
Some tips to help prevent this before symptoms arise include exercising regularly, maintaining proper posture, and using good body mechanics. Sciatica is not something that can always be prevented, but taking these measures can help to reduce your risk of experiencing it.
Mild sciatica pain can resolve on its own, but if your pain persists for more than a week, it’s time to seek treatment. In the majority of sciatica pain cases, physical therapy is central to a proper treatment plan.
Once you schedule your appointment with a Physical Therapist at RPT, we can determine the best route of treatment for the pain you’re experiencing. Our Physical Therapists will provide stretches and exercises for you to perform that will help to minimize the pain and symptoms that you’re experiencing. As you actively participate in your physical therapy treatment program, your risk of experiencing future episodes of sciatica will decrease. To schedule your appointment, give us a call at 801-571-0099.