At least 116 million Americans suffer with chronic pain each year. Chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts for several months, or in some cases, years. This can be frustrating and discouraging as you go from doctor to doctor with no clear diagnosis or treatment plan. Our physical therapists at RPT are specifically trained to help you with this condition.
It’s a common misconception that you need a doctor’s referral to see a physical therapist. A recent survey by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) revealed 70% of people think a referral or prescription is required for evaluation by a physical therapist. However, a physician’s referral is not required in order to be evaluated by a physical therapist. You have direct access to a team of physical therapists at RPT that will help you minimize the chronic pain you may be feeling and give you a proper exercise routine to help increase your quality of life.
A physical therapy patient named Erin recently shared her story about the chronic hip pain she had been living with. She tried nearly everything her doctors had to offer – yet nothing worked. She said, “Unfortunately, as I got more medical interventions, it got worse. I couldn’t drive, I couldn’t work, I couldn’t live without pain.” She then spoke about how she finally decided to try physical therapy and how after only 2 weeks she started to feel improvements. Physical therapy gave Erin her active lifestyle back, just like we can help you get your active lifestyle back. You don’t have to live with chronic pain. Call us to set up an appointment today.