Inner ear infections and/or inflammation can cause some serious balance issues. These can cause you to feel dizzy and nauseous while causing you to lose your balance often. This increases your risk for accidents and falls that could result in injuries that impair your daily activities.
It’s important to seek help from an experienced Physical Therapist when you’re experiencing balance issues. They can help you regain your balance and lower your risk for injuries due to imbalance. To begin with, we’ll make sure to collect a comprehensive health evaluation to determine why you may be experiencing these imbalance issues. Many times an inner ear infection/inflammation is the cause of this. From here, we’ll provide an individual treatment plan to get you on your way to recovery.
Here’s a real example of someone who has benefited greatly from working with a physical therapist to resolve her balance issues. Margaret experienced a fall that resulted in bruised and strained rib and shoulder muscles. This is her experience with her physical therapist:
“Margaret’s treatment began with simple eye-tracking exercises, and moved on to standing and walking balance exercises. Her Physical Therapist then added specific strengthening exercises to the routine. She also performed hands-on therapy, somewhat like massage, to increase the healing speed of the shoulder and rib muscles that were bruised and strained. She also applied electrical stimulation and cold packs to those areas to reduce swelling and pain.
Margaret continued her physical therapy sessions for 4 weeks, increasing her exercises as her strength returned. She learned about fall-proofing her home, including installing night lights in the bathrooms, and about wearing proper footwear.
At the end of her treatment program, Margaret was able to return to all her household tasks, and maintain a home-based exercise program designed by her Physical Therapist. She reported that she felt much more confident about maintaining her balance, even at night. She and her husband returned to ballroom dancing—and she was able to gently “spot a turn” for the first time in her life!”
We’re here to help. Don’t delay your path to recovery, give us a call to schedule your appointment!